A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Company Registration in Poland

by | Mar 20, 2024 | law | 0 comments


Poland’s strategic location, strong economy, and business-friendly environment make it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs looking to establish their presence in Europe. If you’re considering company registration in Poland, this step-by-step guide will help navigate the process seamlessly. From understanding the legal requirements to completing necessary documentation, we’ve got you covered.

Step 1: Choose the Right Business Structure

Before diving into the registration process, it’s crucial to determine the most suitable business structure for your venture. Poland offers several options, including sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), joint-stock company (JSC), and partnerships. Each structure has its advantages and disadvantages, so carefully evaluate your business goals, liability preferences, and taxation implications.

Step 2: Verify Company Name Availability

Once you’ve decided on a business structure, the next step is to choose a unique and memorable company name. To ensure its availability, conduct a thorough check through the National Court Register (KRS) database. The selected name should comply with Polish regulations and not infringe on existing trademarks.

Choosing a unique company name and checking with the KRS.

Names are checked here:
  •  UPRP – national trademark search engine,
  •  EUIPO – EU trade mark search engine,
  • WIPO – international trade mark search engine.

Step 3: Prepare Necessary Documentation

Gather the required documents for company registration, which typically include:

a. Articles of Association – A legal document outlining the company’s structure, purpose, and internal regulations.

b. Identification documents – Copies of passports for foreign shareholders and directors.

c. Proof of address – Documents confirming the registered office address in Poland.

d. Shareholder and director details – Provide information about individuals involved in the company, including their names, addresses, and shareholding percentages.

e. Notarial deeds – Certain documents may require notarization, so consult a notary to authenticate signatures and ensure legal compliance.

Step 4: Appoint a Local Representative

If you’re not residing in Poland, appoint a local representative who can act on behalf of the company. This representative will play a crucial role in handling administrative matters, communicating with authorities, and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Step 5: Register the Company with the National Court Register (KRS)

To officially register your company in Poland, submit the required documentation to the National Court Register. This step involves preparing the application forms, paying the registration fee, and providing accurate information about the company’s structure and stakeholders.

Step 6: Obtain a NIP and REGON Number

After successful registration with the KRS, the next step is to obtain a NIP (Tax Identification Number) from the Tax Office and a REGON (Statistical Number) from the Central Statistical Office. These numbers are essential for taxation purposes and statistical reporting.

Step 7: Open a Business Bank Account

With your company officially registered and assigned identification numbers, it’s time to open a business bank account in Poland. Choose a reputable bank and provide the necessary documentation, including your company’s registration certificate and identification numbers.

Step 8: Register for VAT

If your business turnover exceeds the specified threshold, you’ll need to register for Value Added Tax (VAT). This involves submitting an application to the Tax Office, which will issue a VAT identification number upon approval. VAT registration is crucial for businesses engaged in the sale of goods and services.

Step 9: Comply with Employment Regulations

If your company plans to hire employees in Poland, familiarize yourself with local labor laws and employment regulations. Ensure that employment contracts are drafted in accordance with Polish law and that you comply with tax and social security obligations for your workforce.

Step 10: Ongoing Compliance and Reporting

Maintaining compliance with Polish regulations is an ongoing process. Fulfill annual reporting requirements, file tax returns, and stay informed about any legislative changes that may impact your business. Regularly update company information with the National Court Register to reflect any changes in management, shareholding, or registered address.

Reasons to Consider Company Registration in Poland

  • Cost-Effective Labor

The allure of registering a company in Poland stems from its cost-effective labor market. With the average hourly wage in Poland roughly one-third of that in the Eurozone, businesses can benefit from significantly lower labor costs. This figure encompasses not only the wages but also includes taxes, social security payments, and other employee-related benefits.

  • Manufacturing Hub

Poland boasts one of the largest manufacturing hubs in the European Union, particularly attractive to companies looking to establish manufacturing facilities, especially in sectors such as automotive and aircraft industries. Its success as a manufacturing hub is attributed to its strategic location at the heart of Europe, maximising logistical efficiency and providing convenient access to major markets like Germany and France.

  • Tax Incentives

The Polish government actively encourages foreign direct investment by implementing various measures, including tax incentives, grants, and the establishment of special economic zones. These initiatives create an environment conducive to the success of businesses, fostering growth and development.

  • Robust Country Infrastructure

Over the years, Poland has made substantial investments in its infrastructure, including transportation networks, telecommunications, and energy supplies. This commitment has resulted in a strong country infrastructure that provides an optimal business environment. Businesses in Poland benefit from efficient logistics, smooth operational processes, and connectivity to major markets in Europe.

  • Stable Political Environment

Poland offers a stable political environment for business owners, supported by transparent legal frameworks, strong intellectual property protection, and more. Globally recognized for its ease of doing business, pro-business policies, and robust banking systems, Poland ensures a stable and business-friendly environment, simplifying the process of incorporation and overall operations. This stability contributes to a positive atmosphere for businesses to thrive and succeed.


Embarking on the journey of company registration in Poland requires careful planning and adherence to legal procedures. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll navigate the intricacies of the process smoothly and set a solid foundation for your business success in this vibrant European market. Remember to seek professional advice and engage local experts to ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements throughout the registration process. Good luck on your entrepreneurial venture in Poland.