The Ideal Employee – How to Search for and Find Good Employees in Poland?

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Business | 0 comments

Running a company involves various components that need attention. The smooth operation of a company involves gradually expanding this catalog and monitoring needs and possibilities. Companies operate in dynamically changing circumstances. In this post, we will focus on the job market, the availability of human resources, and the changing profile of employees, including their preferences.

The Polish job market is appreciated for its availability of well-educated personnel. At the same time, the employment cost is relatively low. This distinguishes Poland from other European countries and may help consider this country for starting and relocating a business.

Where to look for employees?

To directly reach potential employees, it’s worth using the most popular job search portals. These include,,,, as well as and, or You can also benefit from the support of headhunters and professional firms specializing in finding and selecting employees for specific positions. It’s also a good idea to go beyond your target location. What does that mean? If you are starting a company in Warsaw, don’t limit yourself to the Warsaw job market. Consider that the mobility of workers in Poland is quite high. It’s also valuable to establish a network of contacts – either your own or with companies you collaborate with. Word-of-mouth referrals for both jobs and employees are very popular.

The current job market, according to analysts, is extremely dynamic. This is related to the redefinition of the term “generation”, which is undergoing significant changes in the context of the digital revolution. Therefore, we observe several conflicting worldviews and employee attitudes in the professional space. We are dealing with a multi-generation workforce that requires reaching out through various channels and with different approaches. How can this be done?

In Poland, the most popular tools for job searching are dedicated job portals and job fairs. Every sixth job seeker relies on recommendations from friends. Interestingly, social media play a minimal role in job searching, with only 7 percent of job seekers using this form. Social media channels, strictly for professional purposes, are virtually uninteresting to younger generations.

Once you find the ideal employee or at least one that suits your needs, it’s essential to ensure their alignment with the workplace and whether they will stay there for the long term. According to the McKinsey report, one in three Europeans plans to change jobs in the coming months. The trend is similar in Poland. The younger the individual, the more willing they are to change, and the less attached they are to their place of work. On the other hand, employees seek stability, which is crucial in their final choice of employer. Salary comes second. Other important but not critical factors include flexible working hours, the company’s reputation, and the job location.

What to pay attention to?

If you are starting a company in Poland, give yourself time to find a good employee. While you can hire quickly and find employees easily, a multi-stage recruitment process allows you to find the best candidates who will stay with you for years. Pay attention to the course of the recruitment process. Applicants for specific positions primarily want to know the scope of work for that position. They also pay attention to the atmosphere during the recruitment process. A good, well-matched, and committed employee is an asset that directly translates into your profit. If you are planning recruitment for your company or wondering how to start it, you can entrust it to specialists. Experts from Niedziółka & Associates will take on this challenge and provide you with an excellent team.